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Liquiline CM448 is a digital transmitter for pH, ORP, conductivity, oxygen, turbidity and more

8-channel transmitter
Liquiline CM448

Flexible multiparameter field device for all industries

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Overzicht specificaties

  • Input

    1 to 8x Memosens digital input
    2x 0/4 to 20mA Input optional
    2 to 4x Digital input optional

  • Output / communication

    2 to 8x 0/4 to 20 mA current outputs, alarmrelay
    4x relay, ProfibusDP, Modbus RS485, Modbus TCP, Ethernet

  • Ingress protection

    IP66 / IP67


The Liquiline CM448 transmitter allows you to connect up to 8 Memosens sensors of your choice from over 12 measurement parameters. It offers automatic sensor recognition, simple operation, and standardized spare parts with all other devices of the Liquiline platform. With its inputs, outputs, controllers, and math modules, you can even control cleaning systems or dosing pumps. Heartbeat Technology helps you find the ideal balance between measuring point availability and maintenance costs.

Liquiline CM448 is suitable for all industries and their utilities, such as:

  • Food & Beverages

  • Life Sciences

  • Power & Energy

  • Water & Wastewater

  • Chemicals

  • Marine

It features the following communication protocols and interfaces:

  • 0/4...20 mA

  • HART


  • Modbus RS485/RTU

  • Modbus TCP

  • EtherNet/IP


  • Webserver

The transmitter can be extended with a module whose explosion protection approvals, such as IECEx, ATEX, and CSA, allow the connection of sensors installed in hazardous areas.


  • Clever simplicity:
    One controller for all parameters and applications, intuitive user interface, automatic sensor recognition, hot plug & play with pre-calibrated Memosens sensors.

  • Complete package:
    8 channels in one device provide the highest flexibility for every measuring task.

  • Seamless system integration:
    Unique portfolio of communication standards suits every distributed control system (DCS).

  • Simple and safe commissioning:
    Saving configuration on SD card enables fast set-up on duplicate installations.

  • Process control from a distance:
    Integrated web server that allows the operator to remotely view diagnostic data, perform configurations, or access device parameters in any web browser - even via Smartphone.

  • Higher availability, lower costs:
    Heartbeat Technology enables status-oriented maintenance and easy verification of the entire measuring point and helps to carry out optimization measures.

  • Drive connectivity: Liquiline Edge Module CYY7 transfers process data to Netilion, independently of the fieldbus. This allows remote overview and the use of IIoT services. It’s available in new products or as upgrade to installed Liquiline platforms.


  • Eenvoudige producten

  • Gemakkelijk te selecteren, installeren en gebruiken

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  • Betrouwbaar, robuust en onderhoudsarm

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  • Functioneel en uiterst doelmatig

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  • Gespecialiseerde producten

  • Ontworpen voor veeleisende applicaties

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  • Memosens 2.0 - Geavanceerde sensortechnologie
    Memosens 2.0: Geavanceerde sensortechnologie - de nieuwe generatie

    Maak het leven makkelijker en verhoog de procesveiligheid en blijf verbonden met Memosens 2.0 digitale technologie.

  • Heartbeat Technology
    Smart instrumentatie door Heartbeat Technology

    U wilt de prestaties van uw installatie verhogen en de kosten verlagen? Ons smart instrumentatie portfolio met Heartbeat Technology biedt een grondig inzicht in de apparatuur voor meer kostenefficiëntie en operationele veiligheid.

Extended selectie

  • High-end producten

  • Functioneel en uiterst doelmatig

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FLEX: Extended ©Endress+Hauser
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