De Turbimax CUS52D levert meetresultaten die net zo nauwkeurig zijn als in een laboratorium - zelfs bij een zeer lage troebelheid. Daarom is deze ook geschikt voor bewaking van de kritische controlepunten (CCP's) in uw waterbehandelingsinstallatie of distributienetwerk.
Geschikt voor alle troebelheidsmeetpunten
Dankzij het meetbereik is de sensor geschikt voor alle troebelheidsmeetpunten in uw installatie en kan deze zowel direct in de pijpleiding als in een bypass-installatie worden gemonteerd.
Onderhoudsarme werking
De luchtbeltrap en het ultrasoon reinigingssysteem houden de sensor schoon, zodat de meetwaarde niet wordt beïnvloed door luchtbellen en afzettingen.
Robuuste flowarmatuur
De flowarmatuur is bestand tegen hoge drukken en temperaturen en is ideaal voor lage-troebelheidsbereiken dankzij de zeer geringe lichtterugkaatsing.
Sensorverificatie en -kalibratie zonder formazine
Met de halfgeleiderreferentie kunt u de troebelheidssensor veilig verifiëren en kalibreren - zonder vloeistofkalibratienormen. Dit beschermt uw medewerkers en uw proces tegen contact met gevaarlijke vloeistoffen zoals formazine.
Measuring rangeFor formazin: 0 to 4000 FNU Display range up to 9999 FNU For sludge: 0 to 300 g/L The achievable measuring range depends very much on the media
Process temperatureProcess temperature: -5 to 50 °C (23 to 122 °F) Ambient temperature: -20 to 60 °C (-4 to 140 °F)
Our product finder helps you to search for suitable measuring devices, software or system components via product characteristics. Applicator leads you through an individual product selection via application parameters.
Turbidity measurement is essential for quality assurance and process control in a wide variety of applications such as drinking water production, effluent monitoring and sludge concentration measurement in wastewater treatment plants, monitoring of seawater inlets in desalination projects or product loss detection in dairies. Learn how our sensors for total and suspended solids and our turbidity sensors and transmitters can also support your application by clicking on the button below.
How to select turbidity sensors
Our turbidity sensors and transmitters are used in water, wastewater, food & beverage, chemicals, life sciences, power, etc. Sensor selection depends on the application: choose nephelometric sensors for media with low turbidity such as potable water. To measure high turbidity, for example in wastewater, apply suspended solids sensors. For applications with extreme fluctuating turbidity values use absorption sensors to attain unambiguous measurement results e.g. to reliably detect product losses.
Turbidity is the cloudiness of a liquid caused by suspended particles. This video shows how turbidity measuring principles work.
Turbidity is the cloudiness of a liquid caused by suspended particles. This video shows how turbidity measuring principles work.
Total solids and suspended solids measurement
Total solids sensors or suspended solids sensors use the back scattered light method. They feature an LED lamp and two light detectors positioned in 90 and 135 degree angles. Solid particles in the medium cause the incident light emitted by the lamp to scatter. The turbidity or solids content of the medium is calculated from the amount of the scattered light received by the detectors. A transmitter displays the final total or suspended solids value in the desired unit such as g/l or %TS.
Sensors based on nephelometry measure turbidity according to ISO 7027 / EN 27027. They feature an LED lamp and a light detector that is positioned in a 90 degree angle. The lamp emits a beam into the medium, where it generates a scattered light as soon as it hits a particle in a defined area. The detector converts the received light intensity into an electric signal. This signal is then translated into the final turbidity value and can be displayed by the transmitter in the desired unit.
Absorption turbidity meters measure the light absorbance of particles in a medium. They feature an LED lamp and a light detector that is positioned directly opposite the lamp. Between them, particles in the medium attenuate the emitted light, which is converted by the detector first into an electric signal and then into the final turbidity value. Our advanced sensors feature a second lamp-detector-arrangement using a different path length, thus improving the reliability of the measurement.
We provide you the full range of instruments for turbidity measurement: turbidity meters, total solids meters and suspended solids meters with matching turbidity transmitters and accessories.
Our turbidity probes provide you with full flexibility. Mount them directly in the pipe or in a flow assembly for fast inline measurement without product loss or install them with a holder in any open channel, basin or tank.
Our turbidity transmitters process the measuring signal of each turbidity meter and display it based on your preference: as FNU (Formazin Nephelometric Unit), FTU (Formazin Turbidity Unit), NTU (Nephelometric Turbidty Unit) and many more.
Verify and calibrate your turbidity sensors with our smart solid state references: the execution is ingeniously simple and does not require the use of any liquid e.g. Formazin.
Choose between a wide range of turbidity assemblies for all fields of applications: fixed installation assemblies, immersion assemblies, flow assemblies and retractable assemblies.
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