The Field Xpert SMT70B tablet PC for device configuration enables mobile plant asset management in hazardous (Ex zone 2) and non-hazardous areas. It is suitable for commissioning and maintenance staff to manage Endress+Hauser and third-party field instruments with a digital communication interface and documents the progress of the work. Field Xpert also uses the most secure Bluetooth connection for its wireless connectivity!
The Field Xpert SMT70B is designed as a complete solution, comes with a pre-installed driver library and is an easy-to-use, touch-enabled tool for managing devices throughout their entire life cycle. Tip: The Netilion Library application is a valuable addition to Field Xpert. Netilion Library stores and manages all documents created with Field Xpert in the Endress+Hauser Cloud. So that everything is secure, up-to-date and available everywhere.
High-performance industrial tablet.
Efficient asset management and maintenance to save time.
Mobile commissioning for all field devices.
Enhance collaboration and productivity with the integrated Netilion ecosystem.
Fast connections, automatic device recognition, and real-time updates.
Aqualande, een grote speler in de Europese aquacultuur-business, heeft een systeem voor permanente waterkwaliteitsbewaking op de markt gebracht. De robuuste hardware en digitale technologie van Endress+Hauser konden de klant overtuigen.
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