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4-20 mA temperature transmitter as head or DIN rail device

iTEMP TMT31 temperature transmitter

4-20 mA temperature transmitter as head or DIN rail device with one RTD or one TC sensor input suitable for use in zone 2 (Ex ec) / Div. 2 areas

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Overzicht specificaties

  • Accuracy

    (Pt100,Pt1000, -50…+250°C) <= 0,1 K
    (Pt100,Pt1000, -58…+482°F) <= 0,18° F


The iTEMP TMT31 4-20 mA temperature transmitter is designed for customers in all industries who want to easily select, order, install and operate simple products. It is a reliable, long-term stable, single-channel 4-20 mA temperature transmitter for modular thermometers with form B connection head or for installation in control cabinets with DINrail mounting. The capable iTEMP TMT31 can be used with either all Pt100 and Pt1000 RTD sensors, or all common thermocouple sensors.

  • Reliability, long-term stability, high accuracy and diagnostic functions

  • Installation in industrial and hygienic thermometers with terminal head form B

  • DINrail device for installation in control cabinets

  • Available with input for either RTD thermometers or for TC thermometers

  • Can be parameterized or preprogrammed at the factory


  • Push-in terminals for fast and tool-free wiring during installation or maintenance

  • Optimization of the accuracy of the measuring point through sensor-transmitter-matching (CvD)

  • Diagnostic information according to NAMUR NE107

  • Increased safety through Ex approvals


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