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  • Geschiedenis
Bar stock imperial thermometer

iTHERM ModuLine TM152
Industrial modular thermometer

Imperial RTD/TC thermometer with barstock thermowell for a wide range of industrial applications

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14 documenten
    • Technische informatie (TI)

    TI iTHERM ModuLine TM152

    • Technische informatie (TI)
    Engelse versie - 06/2024
    New version available in English

    Industrial modular thermometer

    • Bedieningshandleiding (BA)

    BA iTHERM ModuLine thermometer

    • Bedieningshandleiding (BA)
    Nederlandse versie - 11/2024
    New version available in English

    Universele, modulaire RTD/TC-thermometers voor een groot bereik industriële toepassingen

    • Ex-veiligheidsinstructie (XA)

    iTHERM TM111, TM131 Control drawing CSA IS, NI, DIP

    • Ex-veiligheidsinstructie (XA)
    Engelse versie - 09/2024
    New version available in English

    Installation Notes for hazardous locations
    Intrinsically safe, Nonincendive, Dust ignition proof

    • Ex-veiligheidsinstructie (XA)

    TM111, TM131, TM611: cCSAus XP DIP NI

    • Ex-veiligheidsinstructie (XA)
    Engelse versie - 01/2025
    New version available in English

    TM111, TM131: cCSAus XP DIP NI

    • Ex-veiligheidsinstructie (XA)

    XA iTHERM TM111, TM112, TM131, TM151, TM152, TS111, TS211, TS212

    • Ex-veiligheidsinstructie (XA)
    Engelse versie - 07/2024
    New version available in English

    Thermometers and inserts
    Ex ia IIC T1...T6 Ga
    Ex ia IIC T1...T6 Ga/Gb
    Ex ia IIIC T<sub>200</sub>85 °C...T<sub>200
    </sub>450 °C Da/Db

    • Innovatie (IN)

    Reduce complexity, achieve simplicity.

    • Innovatie (IN)
    Engelse versie - 12/2024
    New version available in English

    iTHERM ModuLine — easily configurable
    to your needs.

    • Innovatie (IN)

    Komplexität reduzieren, Einfachheit erreichen.

    • Innovatie (IN)
    Duitse versie - 02/2025
    New version available in English

    iTHERM ModuLine – einfach konfigurierbar für Ihre Bedürfnisse.

    • Fabrieksverklaring

    Product family: Process RTD general purpose

    • Fabrieksverklaring
    Engelse versie - 04/2024
    New version available in English

    Product root: TM101-, TM111-, TM112-, TM121-, TM131-, TM151-, TM152-
    Declaration number: TM1X1 SUPPLIERS DOC
    Manufacturer specification: RoHS, Explosion protection, EMC
    Additional information: ACMA, Australia

    • EU-verklaring

    Product family: Low cost RTD general purpose, Process RTD direct contact, Process RTD direct in contact, Process RTD general purpose , Process RTD heavy duty, Process RTD hygienic, Process TC direct contact, Process TC direct in contact, Process TC general purpose, Process TC heavy duty, RTD thermometer, TC heavy duty

    • EU-verklaring
    Engelse versie - 02/2024
    New version available in English

    Product root: TAF11-, TAF12D-, TAF12S-, TAF12T-, TAF16-, TC10-, TC12-, TC13-, TC15-, TC61-, TC62-, TC63-, TC65-, TC66-, TC88-, TEC42
    0-, TH11-, TH12-, TH13-, TH14-, TH15-, TH17-, TH18-, TH27-, TH51-, TH52-, TH53-, TH54-, TH55-, TH56-, TM101-, TM111-, TM112-, TM121-
    , TM131-, TM151-, TM152-, TM401-, TM402-, TM411-, TM412-, TMT142C-, TMT142R-, TMT162C-, TMT162R-, TR10-, TR11-, TR12-, TR13-, TR15-,
    TR24-, TR25-, TR44-, TR45-, TR46-, TR47-, TR48-, TR61-, TR62-, TR63-, TR65-, TR66-, TR88-, TSC310-, TSM187-, TSM487-, TST187-, TST3
    10-, TST40N-, TST410-, TST414-, TST41N-, TST434-, TST434B-, TST487-, TST602-, TST90-
    Declaration number: EC_00136_04.24

    • Explosieveiligheid

    Product family: Accessories: Inserts, Process RTD general purpose

    • Explosieveiligheid
    Portugese versie - 09/2024
    New version available in English

    Product root: TM111-, TM112-, TM131-, TM151-, TM152-, TS111-, TS211-, TS212-
    Region: Brazil
    Approval agency: TÜV
    Protection: Ex ia IIC T6...T1 Ga, Ex ia IIC T6...T1 Ga/Gb, Ex ia IIIC Txxx°C Da/Db