De compacte Promass A is ideaal voor een continue procesbewaking onder zeer zware omstandigheden. Het unieke zelflozende systeem met één buis maakt nauwkeurige metingen van vloeistoffen en gassen mogelijk bij de kleinste flows en onder hoge druk. Met zijn innovatieve transmitter op afstand optimaliseert de Promass A 500 installatieflexibiliteit en operationele veiligheid in veeleisende omgevingen. Bovendien maakt Heartbeat Technology betrouwbare metingen en verificaties volgens de regels mogelijk.
Meting wordt niet beïnvloed door fysische vloeistofeigenschappen, zoals viscositeit of dichtheid
Geschikt voor toepassingen met minimale flows in alle industrieën.
Eigenschappen instrument
Nominale diameter: DN 1 tot 4 (1/24 tot 1/8")
Procesdruk tot 430,9 bar (6250 psi)
Mediumtemperatuur tot +205 °C (+401 °F)
Versie met toegang op afstand met maximaal 4 I/O's
Display met achtergrondverlichting, aanraakbediening en WLAN-toegang
Hoge productkwaliteit – zelflozende meetbuis in alle leidingmaten
Optimale procesveiligheid – bestand tegen corrosieve omgevingsomstandigheden en inwendige verstopping
Volledige toegang tot proces- en diagnose-informatie – talrijke, vrij te combineren I/O's en Ethernet-APL
Verminderde complexiteit en verscheidenheid – vrij configureerbare I/O-functionaliteit
Geïntegreerde verificatie – Heartbeat Technology
Smart instrumentatie door Heartbeat Technology
U wilt de prestaties van uw installatie verhogen en de kosten verlagen? Ons smart instrumentatie portfolio met Heartbeat Technology biedt een grondig inzicht in de apparatuur voor meer kostenefficiëntie en operationele veiligheid.
Ethernet-APL portfolio
Ethernet is ready for the process industry: Ethernet-APL ensures a high cable length, an easy installation and explosion protection. This makes high-speed communication possible in the field.
With Netilion Network Insights, Oberzent's water masters now see all relevant data points of their water system on a cloud-based dashboard without having to drive to the plants.
GPsol heeft samen met Endress+Hauser een systeem ontwikkeld dat afzonderlijk elke component van extractieputten meet en een maximum aan informatie geeft over de actuele flow.
Check out this compact Coriolis single-tube system for the precise measurement of the lowest flow quantities of just a few grams per minute and easily access related tools such as movies or brochures.
Accurate single-tube flowmeter for lowest flow rates, as remote version with up to 4 I/Os. Suitable for applications with smallest flow quantities in all industries.
Sensor features
Space-saving installation – compact, lightweight sensor. Highest product quality – self-drainable measuring tube design in all line sizes. Optimum process safety – resistant to corrosive ambient conditions and internal clogging. Nominal diameter: DN 1 to 4 (¹⁄₂₄ to ¹⁄₈"). Process pressure up to 430.9 bar (6250 psi). Medium temperature up to +205 °C (+401 °F).
Transmitter features
Full access to process and diagnostic information – numerous, freely combinable I/Os and fieldbuses. Reduced complexity and variety – freely configurable I/O functionality. Integrated verification – Heartbeat Technology. Remote version with up to 4 I/Os. Backlit display with touch control and WLAN access. Standard cable between sensor and transmitter.
Mass flow, density, temperature, volume flow, corrected volume flow, reference density
Max. meetfout
Mass flow (liquid): ±0.1 % Volume flow (liquid): ±0.1 % Mass flow (gas): ±0.35 % Density (liquid): ±0.0005 g/cm³
Measuring range
0 to 450 kg/h (0 to 16.54 lb/min)
Max. process pressure
430.9 bar (6250 psi)
Medium temperature range
-50 to 205 °C (-58 to 401 °F)
Ambient temperature range
-40 to 60 °C (-40 to +140 °F)
Sensor housing material
Stainless steel, 1.4404 (316L)
Transmitter housing material
AlSi10Mg, coated; 1.4409 (CF3M) similar to 316L; Polycarbonat
Degree of protection
Sensor remote version (standard): IP66/67, type 4X enclosure Sensor remote version (option): IP69. Transmitter remote version: IP66/67, Type 4X enclosure
4-line backlit display with touch control (operation from outside) Configuration via local display and operating tools possible
4 outputs: 4-20 mA HART (active/passive) 4-20 mA WirelessHART 4-20 mA (active/passive) Pulse/frequency/switch output (active/passive) Double pulse output (active/passive) Relay output
DC 24 V AC 100 to 230 V AC 100 to 230 V / DC 24 V (non-hazardous area)
Hazardous area approvals
Product safety
Functional safety
Functional safety according to IEC 61508, applicable in safety-relevant applications in accordance with IEC 61511
Metrological approvals and certificates
Calibration performed on accredited calibration facilities (acc. to ISO/IEC 17025) Heartbeat Technology complies with the requirements for measurement traceability according to ISO 9001:2015 – Section a (TÜV SÜD attestation)
Pressure approvals and certificates
Material certificates
3.1 material
Hygienic approvals and certificates
3-A, cGMP
Product headline
Accurate single-tube flowmeter for lowest flow rates, as remote version with up to 4 I/Os. Suitable for applications with smallest flow quantities in all industries.
Sensor features
Space-saving installation – compact, lightweight sensor. Highest product quality – self-drainable measuring tube design in all line sizes. Optimum process safety – resistant to corrosive ambient conditions and internal clogging. Nominal diameter: DN 1 to 4 (¹⁄₂₄ to ¹⁄₈"). Process pressure up to 430.9 bar (6250 psi). Medium temperature up to +205 °C (+401 °F).
Transmitter features
Full access to process and diagnostic information – numerous, freely combinable I/Os and fieldbuses. Reduced complexity and variety – freely configurable I/O functionality. Integrated verification – Heartbeat Technology. Remote version with up to 4 I/Os. Backlit display with touch control and WLAN access. Standard cable between sensor and transmitter.
Mass flow, density, temperature, volume flow, corrected volume flow, reference density
Max. meetfout
Mass flow (liquid): ±0.1 % Volume flow (liquid): ±0.1 % Mass flow (gas): ±0.35 % Density (liquid): ±0.0005 g/cm³
Measuring range
0 to 450 kg/h (0 to 16.54 lb/min)
Max. process pressure
430.9 bar (6250 psi)
Medium temperature range
-50 to 205 °C (-58 to 401 °F)
Ambient temperature range
-40 to 60 °C (-40 to +140 °F)
Sensor housing material
Stainless steel, 1.4404 (316L)
Transmitter housing material
AlSi10Mg, coated; 1.4409 (CF3M) similar to 316L; Polycarbonat
Degree of protection
Sensor remote version (standard): IP66/67, type 4X enclosure Sensor remote version (option): IP69. Transmitter remote version: IP66/67, Type 4X enclosure
4-line backlit display with touch control (operation from outside) Configuration via local display and operating tools possible
4 outputs: 4-20 mA HART (active/passive) 4-20 mA WirelessHART 4-20 mA (active/passive) Pulse/frequency/switch output (active/passive) Double pulse output (active/passive) Relay output
DC 24 V AC 100 to 230 V AC 100 to 230 V / DC 24 V (non-hazardous area)
Hazardous area approvals
Product safety
Functional safety
Functional safety according to IEC 61508, applicable in safety-relevant applications in accordance with IEC 61511
Metrological approvals and certificates
Calibration performed on accredited calibration facilities (acc. to ISO/IEC 17025) Heartbeat Technology complies with the requirements for measurement traceability according to ISO 9001:2015 – Section a (TÜV SÜD attestation)
Pressure approvals and certificates
Material certificates
3.1 material
Hygienic approvals and certificates
3-A, cGMP
Product headline
Accurate single-tube flowmeter for lowest flow rates, as remote version with up to 4 I/Os. Suitable for applications with smallest flow quantities in all industries.
Sensor features
Space-saving installation – compact, lightweight sensor. Highest product quality – self-drainable measuring tube design in all line sizes. Optimum process safety – resistant to corrosive ambient conditions and internal clogging. Nominal diameter: DN 1 to 4 (¹⁄₂₄ to ¹⁄₈"). Process pressure up to 430.9 bar (6250 psi). Medium temperature up to +205 °C (+401 °F).
Transmitter features
Full access to process and diagnostic information – numerous, freely combinable I/Os and fieldbuses. Reduced complexity and variety – freely configurable I/O functionality. Integrated verification – Heartbeat Technology. Remote version with up to 4 I/Os. Backlit display with touch control and WLAN access. Standard cable between sensor and transmitter.
Mass flow, density, temperature, volume flow, corrected volume flow, reference density
Max. meetfout
Mass flow (liquid): ±0.1 % Volume flow (liquid): ±0.1 % Mass flow (gas): ±0.35 % Density (liquid): ±0.0005 g/cm³
Measuring range
0 to 450 kg/h (0 to 16.54 lb/min)
Max. process pressure
430.9 bar (6250 psi)
Medium temperature range
-50 to 205 °C (-58 to 401 °F)
Ambient temperature range
-40 to 60 °C (-40 to +140 °F)
Sensor housing material
Stainless steel, 1.4404 (316L)
Transmitter housing material
AlSi10Mg, coated; 1.4409 (CF3M) similar to 316L; Polycarbonat
Degree of protection
Sensor remote version (standard): IP66/67, type 4X enclosure Sensor remote version (option): IP69. Transmitter remote version: IP66/67, Type 4X enclosure
4-line backlit display with touch control (operation from outside) Configuration via local display and operating tools possible
4 outputs: 4-20 mA HART (active/passive) 4-20 mA WirelessHART 4-20 mA (active/passive) Pulse/frequency/switch output (active/passive) Double pulse output (active/passive) Relay output
DC 24 V AC 100 to 230 V AC 100 to 230 V / DC 24 V (non-hazardous area)
Hazardous area approvals
Product safety
Functional safety
Functional safety according to IEC 61508, applicable in safety-relevant applications in accordance with IEC 61511
Metrological approvals and certificates
Calibration performed on accredited calibration facilities (acc. to ISO/IEC 17025) Heartbeat Technology complies with the requirements for measurement traceability according to ISO 9001:2015 – Section a (TÜV SÜD attestation)
WirelessHART and/or Bluetooth® communication interface, Operating frequency: 2.4 GHz (ISM band), Transmission range under reference conditions: WirelessHART communication - up to 200 m (656 ft), Bluetooth communication - up to 40 m (131 ft)
WirelessHART and/or Bluetooth® communication interface, Operating frequency: 2.4 GHz (ISM band), Transmission range under reference conditions: WirelessHART communication - up to 200 m (656 ft), Bluetooth communication - up to 40 m (131 ft)
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